Review, „Material Science and Technology (MS&T)“ conference in Columbus, Ohio
We are pleased to have had the opportunity to present our laser-induced functional PVD coatings at the “Materials Science & Technology (MS&T) Columbus 2023” conference in Columbus / Ohio.
As hoped, we were able to explain the new possibilities for increasing efficiency in the fields of solar technology, battery production and hydrogen production to an interested audience of experts and thus lay the foundation for future cooperations in these areas.
We were particularly positively surprised by the enthusiasm of many visitors, which - after initial scepticism - arose after we succeeded in highlighting the advantages and special properties of our "laser coatings".
While the sales figures of our standard laser foils for high-quality labelling and for hydrophilic or hydrophobic surfaces have already been rising continuously for years, we are now concentrating on having the suitability of our nano- and microporous laser layers for the topics presented on the poster verified by means of specific tests - in order to subsequently optimise them for series production with suitable partners.